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2024 Student Spotlight Awards showcase creative talents

"Creative Spotlight 2024"
“Creative Spotlight 2024”

The 2024 Student Spotlight Awards highlighted the dynamic range of emerging creative leaders across various fields. The event showcased groundbreaking efforts in Book Design, Illustration, Hand Lettering, and Social Impact.

The talented awardees and finalists led the way in originality and innovation, setting a new bar in creativity and craftsmanship. Categories saw remarkable entries like stunning illustrations, masterful hand letterings, impactful social designs, and pioneering book designs.

Zubaan, a feminist publishing group from New Delhi, won in the Book-Covers/Jackets category . The organization prides itself for its compelling narratives that speaks directly to a diverse audience. Their award-winning cover designs encapsulate the essence of each book they publish, enabling the marginalized sectors to voice out their sentiments.

Yoon Seo’s design for the novel, “Speaking in Tongues”, depicted the book’s exploration of cultural boundaries and identity dynamics.

Showcasing diversity in 2024 creative awards

The cover design featured a child’s vocabulary-matching worksheet, an impactful representation of the merge of multiple cultures.

The third place for the book design category was granted to ‘The Artist Book’, a collaborative project that beautifully bridged poetry and design to explore human emotions and relationships.

Shiyao Wu, on the other hand, impressed the jury with her project, “Bento of Memories” in the Books—Whole Package category. The package contained four books, each unveiling a unique story through the lens of different ingredients and memories from her life.

Maί­ra dos Palmares Santana’s “Dos Palmares” clinched the second spot in the Whole Package category, recounting a 40-year tale of the Brazilian Black Movement intertwined with her family’s history.

The Student Spotlight Awards 2024 became a testament to the creative power of the younger generation. The event featured inspiring stories, powerful social commentaries, and eye-catching visuals. New categories that promote diversity were introduced, encouraging submissions from different cultural backgrounds, and experiences.

Targeted towards nurturing younger talents, the quality of each submission reiterates how necessary it is to foster the creativity of the youngsters. Contributing to this endeavor are not only the students themselves but also their teachers, parents, and the community as well.

The event demonstrated the strength of individual creativity and collective efforts in the creative community. As we look forward to the 2025 Student Spotlight Awards, a sense of anticipation for another year filled with new innovative ideas ignites.

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