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What brands can learn from Banksy

Since October 1, Banksy, the secretive British Street artist
has taken walls, delivery trucks and existing graffiti from across New York City and turned
it into a phenomenon that just about everyone is talking about online and off.

Using MuckRack, our
favorite tool for keeping an eye on what journalists are talking about on
Twitter, we took a look to see what’s being said about Banksy and by whom:

Neal Mann, field producer at the Wall Street Journal:

Julie Hyman, senior markets correspondent at BloombergTV:

Jordan Zakarin, entertainment editor at Buzzfeed:

New York Magazine:

Alex Fitzpatrick, homepage editor, TIME:

Michael Paulson,
politics and religion editor for the metro section of The New York Times:


Pedro da Costa, economics and Federal Reserve reporter for Reuters:

Peter Hamby, CNN political reporter

So for all of my fellow PR people, let me recap who Banksy
is getting attention from: everyone, from local New York beat reporters to CNN
Political Reporters to the LA Times.

When you drill it down to figure out why Banksy is creating
such buzz, it’s actually pretty simple:

Banksy knows how to
tell a visual story
– You don’t have to like graffiti to love Banksy.
There’s something so human and raw about his work that all of us can relate to,
no matter our age, income, race or religion. 

Banksy’s art is
It is not enough for us to see our friend’s taking photos of
Banksy’s artwork around the city. We have to go see it for ourselves.

The “Banksy” brand
has history –
From documentaries like Exit
Through the Gift Shop to Banksy’s legendary work across the globe, the
unique work of Banksy has a reputation that precedes him.

Banksy has a knack
for being newsworthy –
There’s a reason so many people “get” Banksy’s work.
It is relevant to the here and now.

Banksy is mysterious
We never know where and when a Banksy piece will pop up, but when it
appears, no
matter where it is in the world
, we hear about it somehow.

Banksy breaks the
rules just enough that we still tend to look the other way –
Even though
Mayor Bloomberg may think that “Running up
to somebody’s property and defacing it”
isn’t art, most of us don’t and
wouldn’t mind. (Banksy: consider that an
invitation to decorate my walls… some would call it property damage. I call it
rent control).

Banksy will go down as one of the legendary disruptors of
our time, much like many artists who shook the norms of the past. As brand
marketers, taking note of what works when marketing is not at the core of a
campaign is sometimes the best way to plan our next disruption.

Move over Miley… October is the month of Banksy.

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