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USM students succeed at national advertising event

"Advertising Success"
“Advertising Success”

Graphic Design students, Josie Russell and Karson Gunn, from the University of Southern Mississippi, triumphed at a national advertising event recently. Representing their school’s program via the School of Performing and Visual Arts, they showcased the rigorous learning they had undertaken, garnering a spotlight not only for their expertise but the educational quality of their institution.

Russell’s award-winning entry was a ‘dark-themed’ motion graphic intro for the unadapted book, “What Big Teeth.” This success bred a surge of self-confidence and she thanked the USM program for providing an environment fostering continuous learning and progress.

On the flip side, Gunn’s humor-based awareness campaign for Irritable Bowel Syndrome earned recognition. The campaign, conceived during an ART 441 Graphic Communications course under Professor John Mark Lawler, became an informational and wholesome approach dismantling stigmas around the condition.

Jacob Cotton, the Associate Professor of Design at USM, voiced his joy about the twin achievement. The consecutive wins, a rare occurrence, brought USM’s design program into limelight and raised standards for other students.

USM graphic design students’ national victories

The professor also underlined the opportunities such accomplishments present along with his belief in the future success of both students.

Russell’s journey reflected the resilience and creativity fostered at USM. She attributed her success to rigorous practice, overcoming self-doubt, and the supportive community within the University program.

Gunn’s award demonstrated the effectiveness of USM’s teachings and her application of them. It also highlighted Professor Lawler’s integral role in guiding Gunn through the conceptualization and execution phases of the project.

In conclusion, both students exemplify the outstanding capabilities the USM program nurtures in aspiring design professionals. Their achievements underscore the mastery they’ve cultivated, pushing the University into a national spotlight.

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