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Oklahoma restricts OSDE PR spending amid funds misuse concerns

"Oklahoma Funds Misuse"
“Oklahoma Funds Misuse”

On May 28, 2024, Oklahoma’s House and Senate Committees on Appropriations and Budget implemented a spending ban on the OSDE’s public relations activities. This decision arose from concerns over the misuse of government funds. While critics expressed concern over potentially limited public access to essential information, proponents backed the decision as a necessary means to curb the waste of taxpayer money.

The ban sparked a significant public response. For example, many educators protested, arguing the decision could negatively impact public understanding and awareness of educational matters and, ultimately, the quality of education within the state.

However, some supporters viewed the ban as an opportunity to reallocate government funds to more pivotal areas like teaching and school improvements. Despite the strong public reaction, the committee maintained its decision, emphasizing the need for fiscal responsibility and accountability in government funding.

The spending ban necessitated a change within the OSDE’s communication tactics. Strategies were adjusted to include cost-effective channels such as social media and local news outlets for information dissemination and stakeholder engagement.

This ban stemmed from the discovery that OSDE contracted Precision Outreach, a Texas-based production company, for $22,500 to produce a video campaign, which ended up having low viewership on YouTube.

Oklahoma curbs OSDE’s PR expenditure amidst scrutiny

This raised doubts about the judicious use of public funds.

About the same time, it was revealed that additional contracts were made with Precision Outreach and the Washington D.C.-based PR firm Vought Strategies. These contracts, funded by the taxpayers, garnered significant public criticism owing to their high cost.

These contracts facilitated more national media appearances for State Superintendent Ryan Walters. However, these appearances and expenditures stirred frustrations among some lawmakers.

Representative Forrest Bennett was notably vocal about his dissatisfaction with the misuse of funds. He insisted on a review of current legislative provisions to promote transparency and fiscal responsibility. A proposed bill is set to prevent such public relations expenditures. If approved, it will take effect from July 1.

Moreover, on May 29, 2024, the Senate allocated an OSDE budget prioritizing teachers’ and students’ well-being, shedding light on the intent to minimize costly public relations campaigns. This action signifies a potential shift in fiscal allocations within the OSDE, which will undoubtedly have a lasting effect.

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