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No, I wouldn’t trade 10 Facebook friends for a Whopper

But, I’d consider trading 10 Facebook friends for just the right cupcake, which goes to show how fascinating the new “Whopper Sacrifice” campaign from Burger King is.  The campaign’s concept is that if you give up 10 of your Facebook friends, you’ll get a free Whopper by downloading the “Whopper Sacrifice” application . Of course, everytime you remove someone it shows up in your news feed, spreading “Whopper Sacrifice” around like wildfire. Over 55,000 Facebook users have deemed it worthwhile. And from a marketing standpoint, what’s not to love? It uses the Facebook news feed as a direct route to reaching potential consumers in a fun — and only mildly annoying — way. Plus, while the viral marketing potential seems endless, since it’s tied to an application I’m wondering if the campaign is more measurable than most — meaning there might be some real “meat” to this concept.

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