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Makhoul merges cultural sensitivity with fashion branding

"Cultural Fashion Branding"
“Cultural Fashion Branding”

Rima Makhoul, a New York University alumna, is poised to merge the worlds of luxury fashion and brand strategy. She adds a rich tapestry of personal experience to her professional prowess, weaving in her proficiency in Microsoft Office and a medley of varied internship experiences.

Though her professional skills signify her readiness to break into the industry, Rima distinguishes herself with her cultural engagement. She carries a deep-seated interest in the Arabic culture, jazz music, and strategic nuances of backgammon. Equipped with such a unique perspective, she is making strides towards cultivating a career in high-end fashion companies.

The emphasis on flexibility and alignment with a company’s ethos stands prominent in Makhoul’s professional aspirations, as she navigates the intricacies of the modern job market. She is not only compliant with ongoing employment trends but also seeks out companies that mirror her personal principles.

For Makhoul, the opportunity for continual learning and skill acquisition within an organization is paramount.

Makhoul: Infusing cultural sensitivity in fashion branding

She believes that a supportive, growth-driven work ambiance brings about elevated employee commitment and long-term business prosperity. The fashion industry’s shifted focus to ‘enduring skills’ such as adaptability and interpersonal communication rather than rigid technical abilities aligns with Makhoul’s approach.

This sentiment is further echoed by Karen Harvey, founder of Karen Harvey Consulting Group, who stresses the balance of cognitive abilities with curiosity. Chief Marketing Officer at WorkJam, Louise Clements, advocates for the rise of adaptability and curiosity over traditional ‘hard skills’.

The current market trajectory underscores the increasing value of emotional intelligence, cultural sensitivity, and problem-solving abilities, all confirmed facets of ‘soft skills’. Subsequently, these qualities are in high demand across industries, including fashion, as they support efficient communication, team collaboration, and workplace adaptability.

A key driver behind this shift is Makhoul’s culturally-tuned approach, placing her in a premium position amidst aspiring industry applicants. This new perspective in favor of cultural comprehension over traditional skills could foreshadow an industry-wide transformation.

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