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IBU to Help European DMers enter US Market

LONDON – The International Business Unit (IBU) of the USPS plans to introduce a “one stop shopping” gateway for European DM companies interested in penetrating the lucrative American market.

The program will be demonstrated at the London direct marketing show later this week. USPS has organized a special US pavilion for the show that will house major US exhibitors at the Wembley show.

“We have developed a headache-free way for European companies to market their products in the United States,” James Grubiak, the IBU’s vice-president, said.

“With this new program, we’ve taken the research – and guesswork – out of entering the US market. Our consultative approach provides direct marketers with a blueprint for taking their products to the US and will even manage the process for them.”

The new program evolved from the massive research program the IBU has been conducting for several years into international direct marketing – from strategic planning to fulfillment — with a view to boosting the mail flow of US catalogers abroad.

Participating suppliers in demonstrating the program in London include Coopers & Lybrand, Database America, Wunderman, Cato Johnson, and Johnson & Hayward.

The program will be presented daily in the “Theater of Tomorrow” at the Wembley show.

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