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EXPERT ADVICE: How can I attract the best marketing talent for my agency?

You need to focus on attracting the best talent in the same manner that you would for a growth strategy in any other aspect of the business — with thoughtful analysis and innovative ideas. Candidates need to be educated on what a company can offer them. It’s good to show a track record of successfully enhancing employees’ careers as well as offering a clear career path for potential candidates. Another thing that should be taken into consideration is to match a talented candidate with the right position for them even if that position is not an immediate need. Successful recruiting companies can see a candidate’s potential and match it to a position they may have months down the road. You don’t want to just fill a hole in your staff for the short term, you should fill the role with the perfect candidate for the long term.

When looking for a new candidate, it is good for hiring managers to be aware of the common trends and happenings in the industry. They can also ask people within their company to help refer someone to the position that they may have worked for in the past. If you have a good employee, the chances are that they have worked with a good candidate along their career path.

Knowing the competitive landscape of your business can provide you with names of candidates that are not actively looking for a new job, but might be the talent you are looking for. When you tell these passive candidates about the opportunities that await them at your organization, they might decide to come in for an interview. When they do come in to interview, understand that you are selling them the opportunity as much as interviewing them for the job

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