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Draftfcb chief growth officer resigns

Draftfcb chief growth officer Nick Paul has resigned from the agency, said Draftfcb EVP and chief communications officer Wally Petersen. Recently appointed global chief of staff Peter Drakoulias will take on Paul’s business development responsibilities, effective immediately.

Petersen said that Paul’s resignation and the consolidation of his duties under Drakoulias was “a decision reached within the last few weeks.”

As global chief of staff, Drakoulias will continue to be a strategic advisor to Draftfcb’s CEO and corporate leadership team, as well as oversee the agency’s worldwide mergers and acquisitions activity.

Petersen noted that prior to joining Draftfcb, Drakoulias ran the new business function at Deutsch from 1994 to 2002, a period when that agency grew from a single office with $280 million in billings and 123 employees to four offices, 850 employees and $1.5 billion in billings. This, he said, makes the new responsibilities a natural fit for his skill set.

“He’s got quite a lot of business development experience,” Petersen said.

Drakoulias’ new responsibilities will involve overseeing all new business activity, including reaching out to the consulting community and overseeing the pitch process, Petersen said.

Paul joined the company in 2003.

Drakoulias was not immediately available for comment.

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