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Digital platform highlights Sierra Leone’s art, culture

Digital Sierra Leone
Digital Sierra Leone

Sahr Martin Kabba, graphic designer and co-founder of Train to Sierra Leone, is working on a digital platform to showcase Sierra Leone’s art and culture. The primary goal is to increase global accessibility to Sierra Leone’s varied artistic talent.

The initiative provides a stage for local artwork, fostering global discussion and collaboration. In addition to presenting Sierra Leonean creations to a wider audience, the portal aims to digitize traditional artwork, encapsulating a balanced blend of contemporary creativity and cultural heritage.

Kabba’s passion lies in incorporating educational resources into the platform, intending to safeguard and promote Sierra Leonean art and culture. He envisions this platform as a beacon for Sierra Leone’s often-neglected artistic abilities, weaving them into the global art conversation.

The online portal effortlessly captures the essence of Sierra Leone’s abundant culture, providing a global audience with an engaging and informative insight into its rich history.

Expanding Sierra Leone’s artistic visibility online

It offers an array of artifacts, historical documentation, and artistic expression indigenous to Sierra Leone.

In intending to encourage interaction from global art enthusiasts, the platform will show a broad spectrum of artwork, connecting West African artists, and exhibiting Sierra Leone’s cultural diversity across varied mediums. Remarkably, it does not restrict access based on location, enabling anyone to explore inspiring work from budding artists.

Accompanying the artwork are documentaries that portray aspects of Sierra Leonean society and culture like history, local artists, street life, cuisine, and lifestyle. This insight into the society provides an understanding of the intricacies that have shaped present-day Sierra Leone.

Unique to Kabba’s platform is a cut-and-paste design technique weaving Sierra Leone’s “past and present lifestyles” into a dynamic narrative. This resonates with locals and non-locals alike, providing a textured perspective of the nation’s culture.

Ultimately, Kabba aims to amplify the voices of local artists through the Train to Sierra Leone platform. His ambition is to kindle similar cultural movements across Africa and further, showcasing the wealth of local talent to the world.

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