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AOL Files Suit Against 3 More Spam Companies

America Online has sued three junk e-mail firms in its continuing battle against unsolicited bulk e-mail. The suit, filed Jan. 6 in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, seeks an injunction to prevent the companies from continuing to send spam to AOL’s members.

The suit also seeks damages from all three companies: IMS, Knoxville, TN; Gulf Coast Marketing, Baton Rouge, LA; TSF Marketing and TSF Industries, Riverside, CA. The suit comes after a federal court’s recent ruling that barred Over the Air Equipment Inc. from sending unsolicited e-mail to AOL members.

According to the new suit, AOL says the three companies have sent AOL and its members tens of thousands of unsolicited and unwanted e-mail messages. Despite a demand that they stop, each company not only refused but used deceptive techniques to evade AOL’s junk e-mail detection and filtering mechanisms.

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