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Acxiom Offers InfoBase Database as a List

InfoBase, Acxiom's multisourced consumer database, is now available as a list. Although print ads have been running for more than a month, Acxiom, Conway, AR, officially introduced InfoBase last week.

“What's happened up until now, many of our clients probably thought InfoBase always had a list. It was a huge data warehouse of brokered names sent through InfoBase data enhancement,'' said Dave Lewis, business unit leader for Acxiom's consumer list group. “What's unique about this offering is that we have taken all attributes of our enhancement product into the list business. The same data is driving the list product as the enhancement product.''

In the past, Acxiom had bought names and data from other compilers to populate its data warehouses. Now, it will build a compiled list product from its own name-and-address file appended with multisource data that InfoBase has been offering as an enhancement tool.

InfoBase can run selects on its own data to give direct marketers a prospect list that mirrors the profile of their customers, thus eliminating the process of purchasing names and enhancing them with data overlays. Lewis said the InfoBase list will provide one source of data with better accuracy and a better base record than enhanced compiled files.

“The enhancement product and list product are siblings,'' he said. “By overlaying a house file with data elements, we can do a more efficient job of identifying which customers' relationships are profitable. The next objective is to find more prospective clients and clone them.''

Acxiom also is developing a “score on the fly product'' that would reduce cycle time for selections. The new product would allow users to bring in a set of current buyer names, overlay them with predictive elements and then pull out new names and instantaneously score them as prospects. Lewis expects this service to be available in four to five months.

InfoBase contains records on approximately 110 million households and 175 million individuals across the United States. The file will be updated monthly and rebuilt every quarter.

One of the current source elements for homeowner data is Acxiom subsidiary Dataquick ListServices, Burlingame, CA. Dataquick maintains a database of more than 50 million households that eventually will be merged with InfoBase to create hundreds of household selectors, such as ownership and property types, as well as market value and loan data.

Acxiom/Direct Media, Greenwich, CT, is the nonexclusive manager for the InfoBase list, which also is available from Acxiom/InfoBase sales representatives for $20 per thousand. Marketers can call 1-800-945-LIST for more information.

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