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What Are Bing Ads and Why Should You Consider Them?

bing ads

Although marketers can’t advertise on every platform, Bing ads have a lot to offer. They are different from Google ads. And sometimes, Bing fits more in your online advertising strategy. Google ads are usually the first choice when posting pay-per-click ads. After all, the platform is the most dominant search engine. Nevertheless, Bing comes right behind Google.

Bing ads are the primary competition for Google ads. Microsoft and Yahoo provide the ad platform. Therefore, users setting up ads on one platform can display them on the two platforms. Although Microsoft ads are not a choice for many people, the platform offers several benefits.

Are Bing Ads Better?

Many people think Google has a broader reach; therefore, they do not consider Bing ads. Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that not everyone has access to Google. In addition, Bing ads have the same capabilities as a Google ad campaign, offering a better cost-per-click. Moreover, the platform provides lesser competition.

Furthermore, it may seem like many people use Google. But the stats show otherwise. Recently, Google has seen a bit of paid search clicks decline. And Bing has significantly grown, with Yahoo seeing more paid search clicks.

How Are Bing Ads Different From Google Ads?

Choosing the right marketing platform and strategy can be challenging, especially if there are two leading ad platforms. Google has its search network. But Microsoft advertising makes search ad clicks more affordable. Other differences between Google and Bing ads include the following;

  • Keywords

Ad groups, including Google and Bing, require using tools to find keywords. Each platform has a way of finding keywords to generate traffic. Nevertheless, Bing offers a lower traffic volume compared to Google. Adwords is a more renowned and prominent platform that offers higher traffic volume.

Nevertheless, Bing and Google offer more insight and a click-through rate for every keyword. You also get to see keywords for a website.

Unlike Bing, Google deals with negative keywords differently. Once a negative keyword is added on Google, the platform does not show you ads based on that keyword.

Consequently, Google search ads block out all ads relating to a negative keyword, while Bing doesn’t. However, Bing still includes the negative keyword as a targeted keyword and shows ads.

  • PPC

With pay-per-click (PPC), an advertising agency is charged only when users click on their ads. Google and Bing both have similar strategies regarding marketing and targeting.

Bing advertising allows target searches via a phone. So, if your business has an app available on an app store, Bing provides search results on the app. This process is convenient, making the whole campaign efficient.

  • Location and Targeting

Google ads are advertised on Google. On the other hand, Bing ads display ads on Microsoft and Yahoo.

Targeting options for both ad platforms are different, and they differ based on time and location. It is important to note that what works on a Google ads campaign may not work with Microsoft ads. Generally, a Bing ads agency can find a blend of settings that achieves the best results.

Why Should You Choose Bing Ads?

Although Bing may have a significantly small search engine market share compared to Google, the platform has a consistent presence. Here are reasons why you should consider Bing ads

  • Less Competition 

Bing ads do not have as many users compared to Google ads. Therefore, Bing users can benefit from everything Bing ads offer without worrying about losing leverage. Furthermore, because of the lower competition, there are higher chances of generating an audience and being the only bidder for a keyword.

In addition, the lack of competition keeps your budget at an all-time low. Highly competitive industries like real estate and legal can benefit from these ads, elevating their campaign levels.

  • Simple User Interface 

Bing has a simple user interface, and creating an ad account on the platform is pretty straightforward. Furthermore, if you are transitioning from Google to Bing ads, you can shift all existing Google ads campaigns. This process is beneficial because you don’t have to recreate the campaigns on your account.

  • Multiple Search Engines

Bing ads are connected to three search engines, Yahoo, Bing, and AOL. This provides an edge by allowing you to attract a larger audience and expands your range. Consequently, there is a higher chance of getting higher click rates

  • Lower Cost-per-click Rate

These ads have lower competition, which directly impacts the cost-per-click rate. In addition, bidders for a keyword are usually low due to the low competition.

Sometimes you may be the sole bidder for a specific keyword and gain more traction on Bing ads.

Final Thoughts 

Undoubtedly, Google is one of the most significant ad platforms that ensures your ads are noticed. Nevertheless, using Bing is also advantageous. The platform expands your ad reach and audience at a smaller price. In addition, you can reach newer milestones without stiff competition.

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