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Weiss Research Names MetaResponse List Manager

MetaResponse Group Inc., Palm City, FL, has been named manager of the Weiss Research Inc. mailing lists, which previously were managed inhouse.

Weiss Research is a publisher of financial newsletters, books and reports.

The Weiss Research lists include the Safe Money Report file of more than 40,000 active newsletter subscribers, the Undiscovered Tech Stocks file of more than 13,500 active newsletter subscribers, the Sagami's Scientific Investment file of more than 11,800 active newsletter subscribers and the Weiss Research Master File of more than 490,000 names.

More information on these files can be obtained through MetaResponse Group.

“MetaResponse Group brings a tremendous amount of ideas and resources to the table, allowing us to build on the excellent base of business developed by our inhouse group,” MaryEllen Tribby, director of marketing at Weiss Research, said in a statement.

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