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Memorial Set for MRM Exec Howard Lelchuk

A memorial service for Howard Lelchuk, senior vice president and executive media director of McCann Relationship Marketing Partners will be held at 12:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at The Chapel, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York.

Lelchuk died of cancer in August at age 61. He joined MRM Partners in 1998 after stints with OgilvyOne, Kenyon & Eckhardt, BBDO and NW Ayer. He started his career in the mailroom of Fuller & Smith & Ross.

“He really helped build MRM into a DRTV powerhouse, including planning, managing and measuring,” said Ray Roel, director of worldwide system development at MRM Partners, New York.

In a career spanning more than 30 years, Lelchuk garnered recognition from industry bodies. He was a member of the Direct Marketing Association's privacy and ethics committees, and chairman of the American Association of Advertising Agencies' Direct Response Committee.

Lelchuk also was chairman of the board of directors of BPA International. While serving on these committees and organizations, he found time to speak at major industry conferences and participate on panels, guest-lecture at universities and write articles for trade press.

The speakers at his memorial service in the nondenominational UN chapel on 44th Street and 1st Avenue will include Pam Larrick, president/CEO of MRM Partners, and other executives from New York's direct marketing industry.

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