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Omnicom, The Trade Desk form strategic alliance for bespoke ad solutions

"Strategic Alliance"
“Strategic Alliance”

Omnicom has bridged a strategic alliance with The Trade Desk, a prime DSP platform, leading to the creation of bespoke investment solutions specifically for Omnicom clients. Providing these clients with the unique opportunity to access premium advertisement spaces via automated purchases. By utilizing The Trade Desk’s tech superiority, Omnicom aims to amplify ad placement and achieve unmatched ROI for every client.

This collaboration intends to merge The Trade Desk’s vast TV database, especially the streaming data, with Omnicom’s private system Omni, which will use Flywheel’s commercial statistics. The primary objective is to enhance efficiency and minimize repetition. As an early sign of commitment to this innovation, Omnicom has already included this solution into the advance video costs for approximately 40 clients.

This partnership also addresses the complexity revolving around CTV investment by directly linking investments with positive outcomes. It should be mentioned that The Trade Desk assists the industry tremendously by generating three trillion streaming impressions monthly.

In pursuit of creating exclusive solutions for clients, especially video planning, both companies are directing their technicians towards this end. Plans to refine audio and out-of-home are in place for the near future.

The system has been designed with a feature that excludes redundancy by identifying new reach areas and scheduling to eliminate over-frequency.

Omnicom and Trade Desk’s strategic ad alliance

As per Clarrisa Season, the Chief Experience Officer at Annalect, the new system provides an adaptable solution to ever-changing market trends while also giving a considerable sales assurance due to the impact evaluation on the backend for clients. This flexibility will significantly uplift efficiency.

The system’s comprehensive nature allows thorough analysis, and hence, the early identification of potential issues. It also aids in retaining clientele by assuring sales. The detailed reports generated are a valuable source of data that companies can use to make informed decisions and create solid sales strategies.

Note that the alignment of diverse business processes into one efficient workflow is what makes this system truly revolutionary. The holistic approach will certainly lead to consistent results, growth, and increased revenue.

The Trade Desk’s aim is to steer investments not only towards CTV, but also into the digital audio and OOH area. The partnership indicates a shift from the “bring your own algorithm” model to “custom bid optimization”, which continually optimizes through the integration of sales signals. With already promising prospects shown by Uber, it’s clear the alliance has massive potential.

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